Pa Miracle Tent 2024 Theme is “Taking the Power and Love of God from the Mountain and into the Streets!”
The Bible says “Signs, Miracles and Wonders follow those who Believe!
We are so excited to be coming back to the mountain for week 3 to be part of Tent Month in June 2024!
Our last events were so blessed and powerful and the Holy Spirit poured out Love in so many ways that we are all still talking about it!
This 2024 year event, we are bringing Johnny Jernigan for Alabama! Get ready for some Southern FirePower on the Mountain!
We will daily Street teams out in our communities and have live worship teams every night and Heaven’s Thunder Band will be there also!
So get ready for some Thunder on the Mountain and let God Be God and only God knows what will happen from June 16 to 22, 2024!
Just BE THERE!! Glory!
Just BE THERE!! Glory!