Reading Fightin Phils Baseball enjoys working with Thunder Outreach…

“I’ve worked with Mark Malizzi and Thunder Outreach for the last 4 seasons on various events at the ballpark, such as our annual First Responder Appreciation Day. Mark has been an excellent spokesperson for First Responders in the Tri-County Area and through his partnership with the Fightin Phils, thousands of local First Responders have been able to enjoy a wonderful family day at the ballpark each year! During the game, area First Responders are recognized for all the great work they provide in our community! Through Thunder Outreach, Mark Malizzi has been able to provide wonderful events and outreach to local organizations and charities and has been a great partner of the Fightin Phils that we hope to work together with for seasons to come!”  – Anthony Pignetti, Director of Business Development, Reading Fightin Phils Baseball


Anthony Pignetti

Director of Business Development

Reading Fightin Phils Baseball

Proud A.A. Affiliate of the Philadelphia Phillies

610-375-8469 ext 223


The Reading Fightin Phils’ FirstEnergy Stadium has been named:

  • # 1 Minor League Baseball destination in all of Pennsylvania – Stadium Journey
  • Third-best Minor League Ballpark in the United States – USA TODAY Travel Media
  • America’s # 1 Classic Ballpark in all of the Minor Leagues – Baseball America
  • Best Ballpark in the Minor Leagues –

We had an awesome time last night @ the Santander Arena w/ the Reading Royals, Thrivent Financial and 5,388 crazy hockey fans

We had an awesome time last night @ the Santander Arena w/ the Reading Royals, Thrivent Financial and 5,388 crazy hockey fans! What a great way to wrap up our 2015 season! Amen?

Now that 2015 is “in the books” we wanted to take a quick second to thank everyone involved in making 2015 a success for the Heaven’s Thunder Band! Friends (too many list)… Family (more “thank you’s” than we could ever speak)… and everyone on our team (your dedication to the big picture & what it’s all about)!!!
We had a BLAST and can’t wait for what God has in store in 2016!

Thank you Thrivent Financial for your support!

We are so Excited to have our new friends from Thrivent Financial in Boyertown Pa. join our Outreach family.  If you are a Thrivent Member you will soon be able to allocate from your Thrivent program directly to our 501c3 charity Thunder Outreach Ministries!

We love what they stand for!   Relationship with a Kingdom of Heaven heart!

Check this out:

Our mission statement guides us in all we do.

We are a membership organization of Christians, and our members are our owners.

Our purpose is to serve our members and society by guiding both to be wise with money and live generously.

We believe that all we have is a gift from God and that generosity is an expression of faith.

We succeed when our members, their families and their communities thrive.

We value our relationships, so we will: Be trustworthy in character and competence, and Act like owners and treat each other as owners, and Live balanced and generous lives.


please contact them @ 610-367-1904
Thrivent Financial
11 E Philadelphia Avenue
Boyertown Pa. 19512






Our Statement of Faith

Statement Of Faith

What We Believe
1. God
God exists and is One, as expressed through the three persons of the Trinity – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God is love.

2. The Bible
The Bible is divinely inspired, true, and is God’s authoritative revelation to man, guiding us through life.

3. Creation
God created the heavens and the earth as described in the Bible. We are caretakers and expressions of God’s love for His creation.

4. Satan
There was rebellion in the heavenlies over worship, where satan’s desire was to ascend above God.

5. Man
Mankind was created innocent and fell, becoming totally depraved and is in need of salvation through Christ. Mankind is the image bearer of God.

6. Jesus
Jesus preexisted, was born of a virgin, is fully man and fully God, lived a perfect and sinless life, died for the sins of the world, and through His death, satisfied perfectly the penalty for sin. He rose again bodily, ascended to, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father. His return is imminent and He shall return to collect His bride. No one comes to the Father except through Him.

7. The Church
The church is Christ’s body, left here to do the work of the kingdom in fulfilling the “Great Commission.”

8. Evidence
The spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, and the evidence of that unity, is shown by how we love one another. We believe that signs, miracles and wonders follow those who believe in HIM.
Thunder Outreach is a non-denominational 501-c3 charity that is regionally focused and promotes positive vision and faith based programs designed to bring God’s love and compassion to the heart of our communities. This lead to the founding statement of “Touching our World One Community at a Time.”

Blue Knights Law Enforcement Motorcycle Group Chapter IV Supports Thunder Outreach’s First Responder Appreciation Events

As the Blue Knights PA IV Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, we embrace and encourage opportunities to thank our regions First Responders….


We encourage the commitment and caring of programs like Thunder Outreach, who take this responsibility of thanking our area First Responders also very seriously.


We would like to encourage all communities, schools, public programs and citizens of Berks County to support and embrace the 2014 First Responders Appreciation Events and Programs, hosted by Thunder Outreach.

Encouraging our youth and community to honor, appreciate and invest in our First Responders.Sincerely,

Det. Brian Horner
Blue Knights PA IV

Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #9 Reading, PA. endorses Thunder Outreach events

Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #9 represents all active and retired Police Officers in the City of Reading….
These Officers proudly serve the community with their heart and soul and rarely, if ever, ask for a thank you.

Whenever a program like Thunder Outreach takes the time to set up community events dedicated to thanking Police, Fire and EMS First Responders, FOP Lodge #9 takes notice.

We encourage everyone support the 2014 First Responders Appreciation Events and Porgrams sponsored by Thunder Outreach.

Thank You,

Gregory Zawilla
President FOP Lodge #9

VF Outlet again supports the efforts of Thunder Outreach

VF Outlet in West Reading has again signed on to support the First Responder Appreciation events that Thunder Outreach will be hosting.

VF Outlet will again support the efforts of Thunder Outreach to help say a Big BERKS County Thank You to our area First Responders!

We have seen these events touch many people lives in a very positive way and look forward to helping again support this year, states VF Public Relations team!

Thunder Outreach has been honored two times from the Four Chaplains Memorial Foundation

Thunder Outreach has been honored two times from the Four Chaplains Memorial Foundation for
their efforts and goodwill shown to all First Responders and their families as part of the events that Thunder Outreach host.

The “Legion of Honor award for
“In recognition of service to all people regardless of race or faith”


The Legion of Honor “Humanitarian Award”
“Which is given in recognition of a lifetime commitment to selfless service and societal advancement that has demonstrably affected the quality of life in the community, state or nation, service without regard to faith or race.”

The selection process for this award is rigorous.



Thunder Outreach receives “American Police Hall Of Fame” Awards

In 2011, Thunder Outreach was nationally recognized by the “American Police Hall of Fame” for their service and programs that positively affect and support communities and honor Police and all First Responders.

After meeting with Thunder Outreach and reviewing the programs that Thunder Outreach organizes in communities, the APHF awarded Thunder Outreach with not just one, but three National Awards!

American Police Hall of Fame Awards;

Honor Award For Public Service
This award may be issued to law enforcement officers, elected officials or citizens whose leadership skills are outstanding in reducing crime or assisting departments in volunteer activities.

Patriotism Award
This award is based on activities that promote the need to be faithful to our federal, state and local laws. It is available to police, security and citizens who support the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as well as protect the community by public service.

Civilian Medal Of Appreciation
This award is to thank a citizen for support of law enforcement by services or an act of valor.

The Team Members of Thunder Outreach were deeply touched. Working with the Local Police, Fire, Military and First Responders has always been a core part of the faith based events that Thunder Outreach has been part of.

The heart of God and Love that he has for his people is clearly stated in the Bible about Jesus and is still the same commitment that our First Responders and Military share today.

The Bible states in John 15:13
“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

We are Blessed to have people like this in our lives and Thunder Outreach will continue to show that “Love and Respect” to and for all the people and their families who “Protect and Serve” our communities everyday!

Morning Star Fellowship partnering with Thunder Outreach

What started at Morning Star Fellowship as a simple Bible Study group community outreach in 2004, has grown and has events that have reached the hearts and souls of Thousands of people…….

As Pastor Steve DeFrain has spoken into our lives to “Find out what God has CALLED us to do and then Do it” , we have heard that teaching and has seen what God can do when we reach out to others and share that same love that has been poured out into our lives.

We are to be the “Salt and Light” in our families and our communities as the faith we have in Christ shines in our lives.  The Bible states “Faith without works is dead, which means we can not just know about the bible and all the teachings, It must be shown with the works in our lives that match the teaching.

That is just what Morning Star and Thunder Outreach team members do with these mission events and Outreach Projects!  Share the Love of Jesus Christ!  Pastor Steve and the whole Leadership team at Morning Star are excited to work with Thunder Outreach in support of this call to be a blessing to our area First Responders!

Please join with us on June 12 at Morning Star Fellowship for First Responder Appreciation Sunday event!