Morning Star Fellowship partnering with Thunder Outreach

What started at Morning Star Fellowship as a simple Bible Study group community outreach in 2004, has grown and has events that have reached the hearts and souls of Thousands of people…….

As Pastor Steve DeFrain has spoken into our lives to “Find out what God has CALLED us to do and then Do it” , we have heard that teaching and has seen what God can do when we reach out to others and share that same love that has been poured out into our lives.

We are to be the “Salt and Light” in our families and our communities as the faith we have in Christ shines in our lives.  The Bible states “Faith without works is dead, which means we can not just know about the bible and all the teachings, It must be shown with the works in our lives that match the teaching.

That is just what Morning Star and Thunder Outreach team members do with these mission events and Outreach Projects!  Share the Love of Jesus Christ!  Pastor Steve and the whole Leadership team at Morning Star are excited to work with Thunder Outreach in support of this call to be a blessing to our area First Responders!

Please join with us on June 12 at Morning Star Fellowship for First Responder Appreciation Sunday event!

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