Ripley’s Believe it or Not

People pulled up to drop of their food donation and were so touched by the sight of hundreds of people of all walks of life working shoulder to shoulder to help make a difference. It truly showed God’s love! People would just park their cars and ask how they could help! Now that is saying something!

Ripley’s Believe It or Not and Guinness World Records companies, teams, churches, groups, boy scouts and people moved together with a simple goal… helping people with food, love and relationships that would change hundreds of thousands of peoples lives for years to come. We had car and bike clubs, military, fire and police people on hand along with food and events for everyone.

Thunder in the Valley 2005 set a new benchmark of what a community can do when the focus is on a positive goal. We filled 10 tractor-trailers and raised 156,889 lbs of food in the small community of Bechtelsville, PA.

In doing this we set a new record for Ripley’s Believe It or Not for “The Largest Community food drive in a 24 Hour period!” and a new record for Guinness World Records “Largest Food Drive by a non-charitable organization (24 hours).”

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